How to book tuna fishing charters

Jacob Thomas
3 min readMar 15, 2022


We offer bluefin tuna charters for all big fishermen. The average weight of these giants is 750 pounds and can reach up to 1500 pounds.

Our boats are equipped with all the modern equipment to fight these giant bluefin tuna. A typical tuna charter begins with fun bait fishing in itself before hunting big tuna. Our captain is an experienced commercial fisherman whose purpose is always to ensure your highest chance of success and comfort on board.

We offer day trips and several days trips. Rest assured that both tuna fishing tours provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience. All tuna journeys are hook and release.

Tuna fishing is excellent off the Gold Coast, Australia during the spring and summer months, but we catch them year-round. We fish for yellow fin tuna, black fin tuna, skipjack tuna and bonito. Yellowfin tuna will begin showing up on the east side of Gulfstream in April and continue through August. June/July is the best time for yellowfin and they range in size from 35–75lbs, but it is not uncommon to catch them over 100lbs. Yellowfin Tuna is one of the most brutal fighting fish in the ocean and tastes great on a plate, making it one of my favorite fish to catch. Yellowfin tuna is 6080 miles off Gold Coast and REEL BUSY is the perfect combination of speed, comfort and fishing ability for eastern tuna fishing trips. Atlantic bluefin tuna are found near the Gold Coast, and are 5 to 25 pounds in size. They appear about 10 miles from the beach in March / April and last throughout the summer. They aren’t as big as the yellowfin, but they taste great on the plate and are ready to play. There are no size or luggage restrictions and you can usually expect to pay 1520 for a single trip. Skipjack tuna are deep-sea tuna found in the heart of the Stream and are rarely targeted. They are generally mixed with yellowfin or Atlantic bluefin tuna and range in size from 10 to 20 pounds. Bonita is the most abundant tuna and weighs 5 to 25 pounds. They fought a big battle, but they taste more like cat food than human food, so they are not the target species for most anglers. Bonita Pool is just a few miles from the beach and offers light tackle anglers action all year round.

Bluefin tuna is one of the most evolved and commercially valued fish in the world. To say that this fish is incredible is an understatement, at the age of 8 it begins to lay up to 30 million eggs a year in the northern Gulf and lives for more than 30 years. Bluefin tuna is one of only two fish in the ocean that can maintain its body temperature, allowing it to feed over a much more comprehensive range than all of its other highly migratory cousins. At the Magellan we have caught bluefin tuna in a wide range of water temperatures, from 49 degrees to 76 degrees. Bluefin tuna love to eat and eat a lot: squid, butterfish, herring, sandeel, half bill, whiting, cod, bluefish and striped bass have been found in the bellies of bluefin tuna caught in the Magellan. The charter captured tuna of various sizes, from school-sized 10-pound minnows to 850-pounds captured. Usually, we focus on medium-sized fish rather than targeting giant bluefin tuna on a charter. Between 50 and 200 pounds. Over the years, we have found that customers prefer to trol fish of this size with surface baits. Great whale and dolphin shows are worth a look, but looking at the surface of a tuna and tearing the surface food is an indescribable thrill that never gets old.

When booking your trip, please let us know if you are interested in a tuna / shark or tuna / striped bass combo trip. It’s always nice to stop by Gold Coast and catch a stripper on your way home. Book your trip today, and you call us directly.



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